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Creo Tips & Tricks: How to Share Parameters from One Part to Another

Updated: Apr 16, 2024

At Design Visionaries, we assist users in whatever program they are in, be it Creo, NX, CATIA, or Solidworks. We recently assisted a customer who transitioned from NX to Creo, and they were wondering how to share parameters from one part to another in Creo. We have included an example below to help you in solving this conundrum!

Here we have a flange that is driven by a couple of parameters. We only have three here, but you can make as many as you want. The flange is shown below.


It is using these three parameters to drive the Bolt Circle Centerline, the Hole Diameter, and the Gasket Face Diameter. You can see those parameters down below.


We want to share those three variables with another part. Let’s do that by creating an empty assembly. The assembly is only there to help us find what is called the Session ID. This special number is needed to share variables, and you can only do that with an assembly. In the image below, you can see that we created an empty assembly.

Empty assembly

Navigate to the relations of the assembly. 

Navigate to relations of assembly

Select Show and then select Show Session ID.

Show Session ID

In the menu manager, select Part, then Name. If your part was in the assembly tree, you would instead select Pick. Ours are not assembled so we picked them from the In Session window. We need the session ID of the part that has the parameters we want to borrow; in this case, it is the flange.

Naming part flange

The prompt at the bottom now shows you that number.

Flange part has session ID of zero

Now, navigate to the part that you want variables to go into. In this case, it is the Gasket.prt. Go to the relations of the part.

Navigate to the part that will hold your variables

The format must be as follows:


So, for our case, if we wanted to borrow the Bolt Circle Centerline Parameter, it would be as follows:


Remember that the name on the left hand side of the equal sign can be anything you want. We just called it the same thing to keep it consistent.

Watch the video below to see how it all comes together and what happens when we change the numbers around!


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